The Inn At English Harbour

America Antigua & Barbuda
The Inn At English Harbour Antigua & Barbuda
The Inn At English Harbour Antigua & Barbuda
The Inn At English Harbour Antigua & Barbuda
The Inn At English Harbour Antigua & Barbuda
The Inn At English Harbour Antigua & Barbuda
The Inn At English Harbour Antigua & Barbuda
The Inn At English Harbour Antigua & Barbuda
The Inn At English Harbour Antigua & Barbuda
The Inn At English Harbour Antigua & Barbuda
The Inn At English Harbour Antigua & Barbuda
26 July 2020

Set on a post­card-lovely bay on the is­land of An­tigua, this split-level re­sort fea­tures a hill­top build­ing over­look­ing Eng­lish Har­bour and the pic­turesque wa­ters of the Caribbean Sea. The Hotel has its own white sandy beach, with a small but lovely pri­vate dock.

Clear emer­ald blue wa­ters are en­com­passed by the mag­nif­i­cently lush green land­scape of the sur­round­ing hills. This semi-en­clo­sure in­duces a feel­ing of pri­vacy and seclu­sion. The Inn blends the per­fect bal­ance of Colo­nial style build­ings with lux­u­ri­ous and con­tem­po­rary com­fort.

We offer a range of unique ex­pe­ri­ences from quiet beach hol­i­days to re­laxed Spa gate­ways and beau­ti­ful trop­i­cal wed­dings. In­du­bitably the best five star lux­ury hotel ex­pe­ri­ence in Eng­lish Har­bour.

Romance and Adventure
In the 60’s a British BWIA pilot, Peter Deeth, flew from New York to An­tigua. His route took him over an im­mac­u­late cor­ner of the is­land right next to the his­toric har­bor of Nel­son’s Dock­yard.

This very jour­ney es­tab­lished the his­tory of The Inn, de­scribed from the pilot him­self as “an in­tu­ition from the sky fol­lowed by an­other from the sea”.

He fell in love with this cor­ner of par­adise and de­cided that once re­tired, he would buy the land and build a hotel. Thus the first re­al­ity of The Inn was ex­e­cuted from this em­bed­ded de­sire, and through­out the ho­tels’ ini­tial years it be­came an im­por­tant des­ti­na­tion par­tic­u­larly to British hol­i­day mak­ers.

Some twenty years later dur­ing a cruise aboard the fam­ily motor yacht Xenia & Faye, Enzo and Su­sanna Ad­dari an­chored in Free­man’s Bay di­rectly in front of The Inn. They too were struck by the charm of the place, and in the late 90s de­cided to buy it them­selves.

Here a new Inn at Eng­lish Har­bor im­mersed. With great dili­gence and an im­mac­u­late at­ten­tion to de­tail, both the in­te­rior and ex­te­rior were re­designed by Su­sanna Salvia Ad­dari and trans­formed into a five-star re­sort.

In 2000 The Inn un­der­went a total ren­o­va­tion in­clud­ing an ex­ten­sion of prop­erty in 2008. With all of these re­fine­ments and ren­o­va­tions The Inn be­came one of the most ex­clu­sive and pres­ti­gious five star re­sorts on the is­land of An­tigua.

The tra­di­tional colo­nial style decor, much loved by guests over the years, has been grad­u­ally en­riched by the ad­di­tion of ob­jects d’arts that the own­ers have brought from China, Bali, the Mid­dle East and Africa. All of these cul­tur­ally vary­ing ac­cen­tu­a­tions are taste­fully mixed to a dom­i­nant fla­vor of Ital­ian style.

Here lies the soul and spirit of our re­sort. Dur­ing your stay with us you will ex­pe­ri­ence true Caribbean hos­pi­tal­ity and a guar­an­teed ef­fi­ciency of ser­vices.

Many of The Inn staff have been with us for many years and their gen­uine charisma is one of the main rea­sons our guests re­turn an­nu­ally. We are en­thu­si­as­tic to wel­come you to our beau­ti­ful is­land and await your ar­rival with the first class ser­vice our re­sort has to offer.

We would like to take this op­por­tu­nity to per­son­ally wel­come you to our home away from home. Given the in­ter­mit at­mos­phere the lo­ca­tion pro­vides nat­u­rally, it has been our per­sonal mis­sion to make our guests feel at home dur­ing their hol­i­days in the up­most man­ner.

El­e­gance, ex­quis­ite­ness and ex­clu­siv­ity are mot­tos by which we run our re­sort, and in the last twenty years we have been for­tu­nate in es­tab­lish­ing a clien­tele who re­sponds to this exact stan­dard of ac­com­mo­da­tion.

We are often ac­ces­si­ble on the prop­erty our­selves, and al­ways look for­ward to greet­ing our guests per­son­ally dur­ing their stay. Please feel free to con­tact us di­rectly should need be.

An­tigua is known for being one of the most ro­man­tic is­lands of the Caribbean. Cou­ples can dis­cover the un­der­stated sen­sa­tion of dis­cre­tion and the ul­ti­mate op­por­tu­nity for undis­turbed in­ti­macy. Or­ga­nize your hon­ey­moons and dis­cover our great pack­ages op­tions

Our is­land has been known as the “Is­land of The Stars” where two souls can em­bark on long jour­neys of ro­mance and ad­ven­ture. Or­ga­nize your group wed­ding or re­newal of vows. The prop­erty is avail­able for ex­tended group book­ings and we can pro­vide all the nec­es­sary ser­vices.

Laser sail­ing, snor­kel­ing, ten­nis, gym fa­cil­i­ties and is­land ex­cur­sions. Pri­vate sail­ing or motor yacht char­ters avail­able upon re­quest. Or­ga­nize your ex­cur­sions or re­serve a div­ing, ten­nis or sail­ing course with us. Yoga and med­i­ta­tion re­treats are also avail­able.

Find peace in your favorite pleasure. The Inn has been meticulously structured to relax the mind and spoil the senses. We also offer a variety of external excursions to compliment the calming activities we provide on our property.

Take out a crystal kayak in the historic bay of Nelson’s Dockyard, read a book in our library, let yourself drift to the sound of the sea on our water raft, enjoy a massage at our spa or on the beach, and walk through our organic gardens to pick your own ingrediants for your breakfast or morning smoothie.

If you wish to venture out of the comforts of our resort, we provide many options for you to pick from. A private sailboat or motoryacht charter, a day of swimming with stingrays, and land based island excursions are a few examples.

Wedding Services
Say “I do” on our white sand beach while crystal clear waves lap the shore.

Secluded Beach
Our exclusive beach acess induces an utter state of solitude and relaxation.

Organic Garden
Reap the health benefits and soul enrichment of consuming strictly organic produce.

Your body is a sacred temple, let us help you cherish it.

Fitness Center
Our recently upgraded gym provides guests with the option to stay fit on holiday.

Tennis Court
Featuring two championship synthetic grass courts with night time lighting.

Swimming Pool
Situated directly in front of the beach with lounge chairs and sunbeds.

Bar & Restaurants
Caribbean spice meets an international flavor in both cocktails and cousine.

Our team arranges for personalised services to be tailored to your individual needs.

Water Shuttle
A complimentary boat ride for guests to experience venturing to Nelson’s Dockyard by sea.

Water Sports
Crystal kayaks, paddle boards, peddle boats, laser sailboats, and snorkeling gear to name a few.

Free Wi-Fi
Complimentary wifi is offered throughout the entire property for the duration of your stay.

The comfort of our guests is of paramount importance to us. Each of our rooms have a particular flavour nestled in a discrete, simple setting complimenting the natural beauty of Antigua’s blue edged horizons.

Privacy is also very important, and so there is plenty of space between each room. All of the rooms are furnished with unique objets d’arts brought from all over the globe.

Junior Suites are in such close proximity to the beach that our guests can enjoy the soothing sound of splashing water, unforgettable views of the Caribbean Sea and the breathtaking colors of sunrise and sunset.

Offering 40 sq.m. of space, these rooms are located about 30m. from the beach. They are air conditioned and have dark mahogany floors. The ground floor suites offer a large veranda leading onto the gardens, and the upper floor suites offer a large terrace/balcony.

These rooms boast king, twin or queen sized beds, large modern bathrooms with a separate toilet and bidet, twin washbasins and a separate walk-in green slate tiled shower. Maximum capacity is two persons.

Deluxe Suites are the most prestigious accommodation on our property. Offering 60 sq. m. of space, these rooms are also located some 30m. from the beach. They are air conditioned and have dark mahogany floors.

Deluxe Suites are on both the ground and upper floors. The lower floor suites offer a large veranda leading onto the gardens, while the upper floor suites offer a large terrace/balcony with vaulted ceilings. Maximum capacity is two persons.

The Beach Cabanas at The Inn are right on the beach which is perfect for guests who appreciate connecting with nature. Here guests can enjoy spectacular sea views, not to mention the romantic sunsets and sunrises from the comfort of their very own private cabana.

These rooms have marble floors and are furnished with queen beds and cane furniture. They offer a veranda with direct access to the beach and two private sun beds. The rooms retain the same standard amenities as the junior and deluxe suites, are air conditioned and have a ceiling fan. Maximum capacity is two persons.

Come for a memorable and unique culinary experience that blends Italian traditions with local Caribbean spice. Arrive early and watch the breathtaking sunset views while enjoying a cocktail before dinner.

Dining at The Inn is not only a feast for the eyes but a rejuvenation of the soul. Our chef creates a unique mix of international flavors, offering fusion dishes where Italy meets the West Indies.

Our organic garden is also a very important aspect of our passionate belief in bringing garden fresh produce to your table. Not to mention the fresh local fish and Argentinian meat which are a must in our kitchen.

Enjoy open-air dining and terrace seating with great panoramic views of English Harbor and its passing yachts, all embedded in the overall ambiance of a starlit sky.

Restaurant at the Beach
Open for breakfast and lunch you can enjoy our full menu of Italian and Caribbean dishes all day long without leaving the beach. The Reef Restaurant is the perfect venue for relaxing with a cocktail while watching the sunset and listening to the waves lapping on the shore.

Colonial style restaurant overlooking the bay.
Enjoy elegant five-star dining overlooking the breathtaking scenery of our lush gardens and harbour with Yachts floating in the bay. You can smell the sweetness of the tropical flowers and listen to the sounds of nature.

Unique and distinct cultural identity
From our garden to your table we cater magnificent dishes from Italian to Caribbean cuisine.

Rooms: 28
Price: from 717 EUR per night


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